martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

theoretical background

It's called graffiti to various forms of inscription or painting, usuallyon public or private property of others.
Each writer develops a particular style and language that refers to symbols of each tribe is a slang language.
The messages refer to particular expressions that allow for different purposes.
The tags which are a kind of firms that are repeated on the streetsof the city as the rest of the creations look appropriate, mark andbe recognized in the city.
All types of people are doing has always been that way, there is norace that does more than any other, there is no specific age that is associated with graffiti nor socioeconomic group. Graffiti is one of the few movements involving different people with one goal inmind, paint everywhere.
In my opinion, the graffiti is a way to express what you feel andthink whether the company policy or even personal issues andwhen you do something illegal to keep in time

¿Vandalism or art?

Since the beginning of mankind, man has sought support in matters of expression as their means of relief. It may be just for fun, but also can be designed to expand to different opinions regarding issues that affect us both as individuals or social group We all know what are the graffiti, even seen them without knowing what they are. Born as simply "painted" on the meters of the main cities of the world, and were considered by many politicians and authorities, as a plague that had to be exterminated. But in the XXI century, accepted as an artistic expression and a sign of contemporary culture. If we look a little information about the history of graffiti, we find statements like this. Ensures that in a first stage, the authors were persecuted and fully prosecuted. Today has become so popular that it is not "painted" a few, but the art of one or more cultures.
Cultures have every right to express themselves. Nobody denies that. He did not allow them to make graffiti on any side would do with them just as they do with us, trampling on their rights. The problem lies in the physical environment to make it hold. You can not say that society's censure. For this there are special places that are given to express themselves. If these are not perfect.Struggle for more, but legally. It's easy to sit back and accuse the repressive authorities. It's easy to keep making the excuse that crime does not have enough support. But I wonder: What have you done for this support? The day you see large masses around the world to protest the low number of sites that have to do graffiti, and governments do not support that day, burn this letter and I will join you. It is not about whether or not I like your drawings, it is the preservation of our rights that we have a social life more pleasant and promising. So far the vandals continue considering. Everything depends on you.

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